Sprawling outlet showcasing a variety of architectural salvage materials, fixtures & hardware.
OHMEGA SALVAGE builds community through commerce by being a model of reuse, recycling and social exchange. We preserve old-quality items and resources for our customers.
People often wonder about the spelling of the “Ohmega” in Ohmega Salvage. Our name is a synthesis of two concepts: ‘Ohm’s law,’ the measure of electrical resistance to power (as they said to themselves “Hum, Hum”), and the Greek symbol Omega, the final letter in the Greek alphabet--signifying that an object can be reborn even when at the apparent end of its life.
The original logo for the store was designed by a local artist, who also designed album covers for many famous rock groups at the time. The artist tried to capture the womb-like appearance to the “O” in Ohmega, further suggesting the rebirth of salvaged objects.