Authentic Luxury Goods is a boutique consignment shop located in the heart of the Gaslamp in Downtown San Diego. We buy & sell pre-owned designer handbags, watches, jewelry & more at 30-70% off retail
At Authentic Luxury Goods, we buy and sell fabulous designer brand handbags, watches, jewelry and more at prices far below original retail. Our San Diego boutique and online store carry all the top brand names in luxury mens and womens accessories, including Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Tod's, Mikimoto, Christian Dior, Fendi, Burberry, Chloe, Marc Jacobs, YSL, Prada, Gucci and more.
We also pay premium prices for your authentic pre-owned designer bags, shoes, luggage, and accessories, including highly sought-after limited-edition and vintage items. We also specialize in buying and selling pre-owned jewelry and watches from Tiffany, Cartier, Rolex, David Yurman, and other luxury makers. Stop by our San Diego store for a free appraisal of your authentic luxury item.
If you have a lot of designer handbags, shoes, or other luxury accessories to sell, ask us about our Southern California house call service! We serve the entire southern California area, including Los Angeles, Hollywood, and Beverly Hills, and number many celebrities among our clients. If you're not in California, don't worry! We buy used handbags, shoes, jackets, watches, jewelry, and accessories from sellers across the country and worldwide. Our inventory changes daily, so check in with us often to find just what you're looking for, at prices ranging from 30% to 70% off regular retail!